To open the Log Filter, click Launch Filter on the Log Viewer page.
In the Log Filter dialog box, specify one or more of the following options:
Option |
Description |
Show Severity |
Select one or more severity levels to filter. |
Keywords |
Enter one or more words in the Keywords text box. Click the Find drop-down list box, and select one of these options: exact phrase, any words, or all words. |
Applications |
If applicable, enter the application name to filter. If applicable, the application name appears as the fifth (entry) column in the log file. |
Thread IDs |
The thread identification numbers are used by Adobe Technical Support personnel to track and troubleshoot problems. The thread identification string appears as the fourth entry (column) in a log file. |
Most Recent |
Specifies the relative age of included messages. |
Date Range |
To display the log content for a specific date range, enter the start and end dates. Enter the dates in year-month-day format ( YYYY-MM-DD). For example, to specify April 21, 2002, enter: 2002-04-21. |
Time Span |
To show the log content for a specific time range, enter the start and end times. Enter the time span in hour-minute-second format ( HH:MM: SS). For example, to specify 2:00 P.M., enter 14:00:00. |
To begin the filter process, click one of the following options:
Show Matches Displays results that match the filter criteria specified on the tab.
Matches Displays results that exclude any
information that matches the filter criteria specified on the tab.
Tip: To print the filter results, use the print option in your web browser.