The J2EE archive page lets you create an enterprise application archive (EAR) file or web application archive (WAR) file that contains the following items:
ColdFusion web application.
Server settings, such as data sources and custom tag paths.
Your application's CFML pages, stored in the ColdFusion web application's cf_webapp_root/wwwroot directory.
With this EAR or WAR file, a J2EE administrator can deploy your ColdFusion application to a J2EE application server.
Note: You can create a J2EE archive regardless of whether you are running ColdFusion in the server configuration or the J2EE configuration. However, you must be running the J2EE configuration to deploy an EAR or WAR file.
Add a new archive definition and create an archive file
Specify a unique name for the archive file (no extension) in the Archive Name field.
Click Add and specify archive settings.
Click Submit. ColdFusion creates an EAR or WAR file in the specified application distribution directory.
Edit an archive definition and recreate an archive file
Click the Edit button
in the Actions column or the archive name in the Archive Name column.
The Add New Archive page appears.
Modify settings, as necessary.
Click Submit. ColdFusion recreates an EAR or WAR file in the specified application distribution directory.