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ColdFusion Archives overview

Packaging and Deployment > ColdFusion Archives



ColdFusion archives (CAR) let you archive and deploy website configuration information, files, and applications. Use this features to deploy your website applications to another location or to back up your files quickly and easily.


Note: CAR file archiving and deployment is different from J2EE archiving and packaging through EAR and WAR files.   

Archive and deploy site information

  1. Create the archive definition. Creating the archive definition involves identifying the type of information to archive about a site. You can archive almost anything about the site, such as directories, files, CFX tags, ColdFusion mappings, Verity collections, automated tasks, and server settings. Each archive definition that you create is assigned a name. You use this name each time you modify or archive its content.  

  2. Build the archive.  Building the archive involves selecting the name of the archive definition to archive and specifying a location to which you store the archive (CAR file).

  3. Deploy the archive. Deploying the archive involves specifying the location of the archive filename (CAR file) and the location to which you restore the archive file (CAR).




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