Select Packaging and Deployment > ColdFusion Archives in the left navigation pane of the ColdFusion Administrator. The ColdFusion Archives page appears.
In the Deploy an Existing Archive panel, specify the path to the CAR file to deploy:
Provide the full path of the archived filename (CAR file) to restore. Click the Browse Server button to select the full path of the archived filename (CAR).
Click Deploy. The Archive Summary Panel appears.
In the Archive Summary panel, review the archived content.
Click Next to proceed with restoring the archive. The Deploy Location panel appears (see step 5).
For UNIX users only: If you must run the deploy process as a privileged user, select the Run This Deployment As A Specific User option. Then enter any system account name in the User name text box, and the corresponding account password in the Password text box. The user name and password must match the existing user name and password for this system; the deployment process runs as that user. If the user name and password do not match the existing user name and password for this system account, the deployment procedure fails.
a location, and click Deploy to restore the selected CAR file.
One of the following archive messages appears:
Deploy Successful The selected CAR file was successfully restored in the specified Web Application directory. Click Close to exit from the Archive wizard.
Failed The deploy procedure was not successful. To determine the cause of the problem, review the information appearing on the page. To further analyze why a problem occurred, click the links located on the panel. Click Close to exit from the Archive wizard.
If the deploy operation failed, verify that the restore Web Application directory was not corrupted during the restore operation.
To restore archives to another system, the target system must have ColdFusion installed.