Server Settings

Set per application settings

You can set the following on a per-application basis:


These settings override the server-side settings in the ColdFusion Administrator for the specified application only. Specifying per application settings does not change the server-wide settings. To set per application settings, you must first enable per application settings on the Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator. You then set the mappings or custom tag paths in the Application.cfc file.


Custom Tags in per application settings override those defined in the ColdFusion Administrator. For example, if you have two custom tags of the same name and they are in different locations in the Administrator and per-application settings, the one in the per application settings is taken first.


Note: Per application settings are supported in applications that use an Application.cfc file only, not in applications that use an Application.cfm file. The per application settings do not work if you have disabled application variables on the Memory Variables page of the Administrator.


Set the mappings per application

  1. Select the Enable Per App Settings option on the Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.

  2. Include code similar to the following in your Application.cfc file:

<cfset THIS.mappings["MyMap"]="c:\inetpub\myStuff">


<cfset StructInsert(THIS.mappings, "MyMap", "c:\inetpub\myStuff")>


Set the custom tag paths per application

  1. Select the Enable Per App Settings option on the Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.

  2. Include code similar to the following in your Application.cfc file:

<cfset customtagpaths = "c:\mapped1,c:\mapped2">

<cfset customtagpaths = ListAppend(customtagpaths,"c:\mapped3")>

<cfset This.customtagpaths = customtagpaths>