Home > Data & Services > Data Sources > Verify a data source
When you create or edit a data source, ColdFusion automatically attempts to verify the data source. At any time, you can verify one or more data sources in the ColdFusion Administrator.
Click the Verify icon in the Actions column for the data source.
To verify all listed sources, click Verify All Connections.
The result appears in the Status column of the table.
If a data source is protected by a user name and password, you must enter this information before you can verify the data source. To define a user name and password, select a data source configuration option, and then select the Edit page. Click CF Data Source Name on the Edit page to set the user name and password.
If ColdFusion cannot verify the data source, display the data source definition, click Show Advanced Settings, and ensure that the Disable Connections option is not selected.
If ColdFusion still cannot verify a data source, you can run a cfquery against the failed source to get details about the problem. You can also try to embed a user name and password into the cfquery tag to test whether the query works.