* @class Ext.Element
function() {
var GETDOM = Ext.getDom,
GET = Ext.get,
DH = Ext.DomHelper,
isEl = function(el){
return (el.nodeType || el.dom || typeof el == 'string');
return {
* Appends the passed element(s) to this element
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Array/Element/CompositeElement} el
* @return {Ext.Element} this
appendChild: function(el){
return GET(el).appendTo(this);
* Appends this element to the passed element
* @param {Mixed} el The new parent element
* @return {Ext.Element} this
appendTo: function(el){
return this;
* Inserts this element before the passed element in the DOM
* @param {Mixed} el The element before which this element will be inserted
* @return {Ext.Element} this
insertBefore: function(el){
(el = GETDOM(el)).parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el);
return this;
* Inserts this element after the passed element in the DOM
* @param {Mixed} el The element to insert after
* @return {Ext.Element} this
insertAfter: function(el){
(el = GETDOM(el)).parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el.nextSibling);
return this;
* Inserts (or creates) an element (or DomHelper config) as the first child of this element
* @param {Mixed/Object} el The id or element to insert or a DomHelper config to create and insert
* @return {Ext.Element} The new child
insertFirst: function(el, returnDom){
el = el || {};
if(isEl(el)){ // element
el = GETDOM(el);
this.dom.insertBefore(el, this.dom.firstChild);
return !returnDom ? GET(el) : el;
}else{ // dh config
return this.createChild(el, this.dom.firstChild, returnDom);
* Replaces the passed element with this element
* @param {Mixed} el The element to replace
* @return {Ext.Element} this
replace: function(el){
el = GET(el);
return this;
* Replaces this element with the passed element
* @param {Mixed/Object} el The new element or a DomHelper config of an element to create
* @return {Ext.Element} this
replaceWith: function(el){
var me = this,
Element = Ext.Element;
el = GETDOM(el);
me.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el, me.dom);
el = DH.insertBefore(me.dom, el);
delete Element.cache[me.id];
me.id = Ext.id(me.dom = el);
return Element.cache[me.id] = me;
* Creates the passed DomHelper config and appends it to this element or optionally inserts it before the passed child element.
* @param {Object} config DomHelper element config object. If no tag is specified (e.g., {tag:'input'}) then a div will be
* automatically generated with the specified attributes.
* @param {HTMLElement} insertBefore (optional) a child element of this element
* @param {Boolean} returnDom (optional) true to return the dom node instead of creating an Element
* @return {Ext.Element} The new child element
createChild: function(config, insertBefore, returnDom){
config = config || {tag:'div'};
return insertBefore ?
DH.insertBefore(insertBefore, config, returnDom !== true) :
DH[!this.dom.firstChild ? 'overwrite' : 'append'](this.dom, config, returnDom !== true);
* Creates and wraps this element with another element
* @param {Object} config (optional) DomHelper element config object for the wrapper element or null for an empty div
* @param {Boolean} returnDom (optional) True to return the raw DOM element instead of Ext.Element
* @return {HTMLElement/Element} The newly created wrapper element
wrap: function(config, returnDom){
var newEl = DH.insertBefore(this.dom, config || {tag: "div"}, !returnDom);
newEl.dom ? newEl.dom.appendChild(this.dom) : newEl.appendChild(this.dom);
return newEl;
* Inserts an html fragment into this element
* @param {String} where Where to insert the html in relation to this element - beforeBegin, afterBegin, beforeEnd, afterEnd.
* @param {String} html The HTML fragment
* @param {Boolean} returnEl (optional) True to return an Ext.Element (defaults to false)
* @return {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} The inserted node (or nearest related if more than 1 inserted)
insertHtml : function(where, html, returnEl){
var el = DH.insertHtml(where, this.dom, html);
return returnEl ? Ext.get(el) : el;